Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Beginnings

Today I bought a new (1 year old) laptop off of my grandfather which was a good thing considering mine took a turn for the worse today.  The screen on my old IBM will only stay on for about 20 seconds before going black.  This makes getting files off it difficult.  I planned to buy a new one this weekend since it's tax-free weekend, but I really don't need a BRAND brand new computer, and Grandpa hardly used his and had been thinking of selling it anyway. 

Though I have to say, I miss my old keyboard.  No, it is not special or fancy.  Yes, it is dirty.  Yes, the letters are chiefly illegible and the keys have grooves in them from my fingernails.  But it has character.  It has been with me through the best six years of my life.  It is a testament to thousands of hours of hard work, hundreds of papers, and page upon page of creative genius (or, you know, close to it).  It was with me in foreign countries and favorite classes.  It also fit well in my laptop case.  And yes, I'm waxing nostalgic over an inanimate object.  Sue me.

I do like the new one though and I'm sure I'll grow very fond of it.  For one, I can see the screen, which is a huge plus.  The screen is much bigger, which will be good for watching movies.  The hard drive space is about quadruple what my old one was, so maybe I can actually fit the majority of my music and photos on it.  (Well, realistically, probably not all the photos...but you know, a chunk. ;)). 

I also put my first pair of cleats on hold today at Omega Sports which I will buy in the next two days over the tax-free weekend.  I'm so excited - now I can be an Ultimate Frisbee master. ;)  But seriously, I plan to play a lot more once the weather cools a bit.  I can't help it - it's in my blood.  Like father like daughter.  (Because let's be real - we know Brett is never going to pick up a Frisbee...or ball...or bat....or anything else sports related).  He does fix my computer though (after much protest, whining and explanations of my stupidity).

So, it is a time of new beginnings.  Get ready computer: 10 grad school applications are about to be crafted on your shiny new keys.

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