Thursday, August 18, 2011

Interesting Encounter

So starting this week I'm beginning to cover Union County government which includes all the following municipalities: Weddington, Waxhaw, Marvin, Unionville, Fairview, Hemby Bridge, Lake Park, Marshville, Mineral Springs, Wingate and Wesley Chapel.  Nooo pressure there.

Anyway, so I immediately found out that Marvin in trying to annex surrounding areas and they don't want to be annexed so they are trying to avoid it by signing certain forms.  They've put up big signs saying "deny annexation" around the area and on Monday I drove out there to take pictures of them.  WELL, I park on the side of the road for this one sign and walk into the field where it is to take a photo and this man comes out of his house and starts YELLING at me to get off his private property and asking what I'm doing and what my name is and says he's going to call the sheriff.  Then he's asking who I work for and I tell him, but he's not listening very well because then he says "You said you work for the Enquirer Journal?" and I said "No, the Charlotte Observer" and he said, "The first time you said the Enquirer Journal" and I said, "No, I said The Charlotte Observer."  So he says "Well, I'm going to check on you miss Lauren Bailey!"  And I said, "You do that" and got in my car and left.

So, needless to say, it was an interesting first day on the job.  However, the man actually called me yesterday to apologize.  He talked to my source who is a friend of his in the area and confirmed that I was given permission to go out there.  The source gave him my number so he could call and say he was sorry.  But jeez, how about you not take someone's head off for taking a freaking picture??

I'm also starting to work on my writing sample for the graduate school applications.  I'm thinking of doing a string of short stories all taking different perspectives on loneliness.  The loneliness of a breakup, losing a child, going to war, divorce, growing up, etc.  Maybe I'll also make a collection of stories about joy.  Don't know yet.  But anyway, I'm feeling a bit better that at least I'm getting the ball rolling.  Applying to 10 grad schools is quite a feat...and will be very expensive!

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