Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Whirlwind of Fall

I've been so busy lately, I'm actually trying to rack my brain for the highlights.  How in the world does life go by this fast? I've been doing a lot of stories and columns for the paper and am about to take on a new role writing the news briefs for the Young Achievers section that comes out on Tuesdays.  Last Sunday, I had a story about a friend of mine, Bethany, and her upcoming 11-month trip to 11 third world countries to help the least and the lost.  She said, thanks to my article, she's had people coming out of the woodworks to help support her financially, in prayer, or by buying Citipass books from her.  Here is the link to the article - it's a pretty inspirational story!

I can't imagine quitting my job, trying to raise upwards of $20,000 and taking off to war-ravaged, disease-filled countries where people are so inured to poverty and death, they take it as a given.  She is so very brave!

BOB reunion.

Last Saturday BOB (Bevy of Beauties or Babes of the Bible) - my Bible study group - had a little reunion.  The group has been going for 6 years under the leadership of Kathy Storm and while women have come and gone, once a BOB, always a BOB.  We now have a couple BOB babies as well!  Jen brought her sweet little one Caroline and Bridget brought Natalia.  They are only about two months apart so hopefully they will be great friends! It was so nice catching up with some old members and really appreciating all that BOB has given us. 

This weekend I'm going to Lake Lure with my friend Stephanie and her friend Messer.  Stephanie and I met a couple years ago when we were both teaching dance at Fancy Feet, but as it turns out, she and I went to the same dance studio in Miami and her sister, who is a year younger, and I were best friends in class.  I actually have pictures of us together!  It is such a small world!  Anyway, last year (or the year before??), Stephanie and Messer (who visits from Miami on occasion) and I went to Lake Lure to see the locations from the Dirty Dancing movie and go apple picking.  It was such a great day!  Well this year there is a Dirty Dancing Festival that will have a showing of the movie over the lake, lake lift contests, watermelon carrying contests, dance lessons and competitions and a live concert.  I'm sooo excited and we booked a room for two nights in the Lake Lure Inn which is right there in the action.  It's going to be awesome!

The following Thursday I'm going up to that area again to go with Tiffany (my oldest friend) to check out this wedding festival because she's getting married in a year or so and I'm going to be her maid of honor!  Anyway, she wants me to check this out with her to get different ideas.  We also may meet with a wedding planner at Biltmore to see what they offer.  I'm so excited for her!

After that I have one weekend home before going back to the mountains for a retreat with my Bible study girls.  The weekend after that, back to the mountains to go camping with a bunch of friends from church.  The weekend after that I wanted to fly to San Francisco to visit my cousin and see some friends out there, but now she's not sure I can come and by the time she knows, flights may be too expensive.
Kathy with BOB baby, Natalia.

So yes, fall is a whirlwind season for me.  Not only that, but I'm supposed to be applying to 9 grad schools!!  Ahhhh.  Time, time, please stand still for just a little while!!

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