June was a very busy month for me (as though that's a change!). For starters, my friend Alissa and I moved into our new home (the one Uncle Bob bought to fix up and eventually flip). He said if we found two more roommates, we could rent it out from him through at least next July. So, we spent June moving in, cleaning and painting and fixing and hanging, and searching for roomies. I finally found two girls who will move in mid-July: Kenya and Atecia. They are both writers (though Kenya writes books and Atecia does web editing and writes for NPR). Kenya is very outgoing and laughs a lot. I met her a few years ago before I went on my cross-country road trip. She'd originally planned to come along, but got a job just before the trip was about to start, and couldn't take the time off.
Alissa and me. |
Lauren, Danny and Lieselotte at River Jam. |
We recently re-connected when she invited me to her book release party for her newly published book: The Chronicles of Koa. I wanted to interview her first for an Observer article, and when she came over I mentioned we were looking for roommates. She loved the place and eventually decided to commit to the move! A few days after the interview, I went to her book release party. I was happy to be there to support her, but as I walked around the party, I realized why I always rank as a slight "introvert" on personality tests - not knowing another soul in the room, I was having a mild panic attack. My skin was clammy and I felt as though everyone was looking at me thinking "Why doesn't she have any friends to talk to?" Of course the rational side of my brain said that no one probably even cared, but none-the-less, I felt very awkward. Not wanting to just leave, I sat down at a long table where people were gathered on each side of me talking amongst themselves. I waited for a good 10 minutes before I found an opening to talk to the small group to my left.
My friend Christen and me at Pops in the Park. |
The guy sitting next to me was named Ryan and we started talking about various things. My cross country road trip came up (as my connection to Kenya), and Ryan asked if I'd made it up to Canada during my trip. I said yes, I'd been to Vancouver and also to Toronto a different time. He asked if I'd ever made it anywhere farther north, like Price Edward Island. I just about fell out of my chair. "How do you know about Prince Edward Island?" I said with enthusiasm. "I've wanted to go there since I was four years old, but no one's ever heard of it! Do you have a mother or sister obsessed with Anne of Green Gables?" He said, rather shyly, "Well, my mother likes it. Yeah, we used to go camping there as kids." I'm pretty sure my jaw was hitting the table as I tried to grasp the fact that this guy actually got to spend significant time in my dream destination.
performing silks uptown on an outside rig |
Then I found out he was Canadian, and it all started to make sense. We spent the rest of the night talking about this and that. He's an engineer for Siemens and keeps giant energy generators from blowing up (at least, that's my take of the very long explanation of what he does). When the book party ended, we went outside the pub and played giant Jenga (which I won), before he walked me to my car. He got my number so we could hang out again.

Over the next week we hung out several times, going line dancing at Coyote Joe's, ice skating (and since he plays hockey, he really showed me up there), playing scrabble and having a cookout at his apartment pool.
Lieselotte and Danny also came to visit Thursday afternoon to Friday morning that week. It was a short visit, but I was so happy to see them both. I gave them a driving tour of Charlotte and Thursday night we went to River Jam at the White Water Rafting Center (which is a free concert at the center). It was really fun and we ran into several of my friends there as well. After that, we stopped by Saddle Up (a new line dancing/country bar), and while we had a lot of fun riding the bull and dancing on the completely empty dance floor, it wasn't nearly as authentic or cool as Coyote Joe's. Friday morning I went with them to Cracker Barrel very early in the morning, and (of course) Danny being from overseas thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. "I can't believe you can get this much food for $8!!" he kept saying.
Ryan (blue shirt), me and 2 of his friends who helped him move. |
The following week he was moving into a new house he just bought close to Ballantyne. On Tues and Wed after work, his former roommate and I helped him load the U-Haul and move all his stuff and unload the U-Haul. Then I drove him to the airport on Friday b/c he was flying home for Canada Day (July 1). He spent the weekend in Toronto with his two brothers and one of their French Canadian friends, then they all flew back to Charlotte on Tuesday. Tuesday night, all four of them stayed at my new house because Ryan has almost no furniture in his new house. We all had a good time and there were many laughs to be had, though we stayed up far too late considering I had work on Wednesday. Wednesday morning, when I left for work, Ryan and the Canadian crew all set off for Myrtle Beach where they would spend 4th of July weekend.
Wednesday after work, Mom, Alissa and I all went to Cirque du Soleil with a group from my silk aerial class. The day before I'd gotten to take a class at our studio from the primary silk aerial performer from the show, which was so cool. I didn't realize how amazing she really was though until I saw her in the show - WOW. I couldn't believe her strength and speed doing silks 50 feet in the air! Afterward, the dancers from my studio (including me) got to go back stage with Tania (the aerialist) and have a little tour. The show (Quidam) has been running for 17 years and is truly something to behold. The oldest person in the show is 51 and he was so strong and amazing - he was doing all sorts of strength and contortion. The youngest person was 19, but most were 21 or older (which is hard to believe because some of them are sooo tiny). I'm so glad I got to see the show! Mom loved it too!
Today is the Fourth of July and I'm currently in the Greensboro Airport (where I drove this morning) to take a flight out of here to St. Petersburg, FL where I'll visit with Michael (my cousin) for the weekend. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time! It's been raining almost nonstop on the East coast lately.
I guess those are most of the highlights! Pictures coming soon!
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