Bethany in El Salvador, one of her first stops. |
Tonight at Life Group, my dear sweet friend Bethany skyped in from Thailand. It was 7 a.m. her time - 104 degrees and high humidity. She'd just woken up after sleeping on the roof because inside was too hot and she kept apologizing for her morning hair - as if we'd care. She is now in her 4th month of mission work through The World Race after spending the first three months in South America. Her next stop is Cambodia, then three countries in Africa, then Nepal and India. And honestly, I don't know how she is doing it. I am so very proud and in awe of her willingness to follow God's plan to the literal ends of the earth. I know she is touching so many lives in ways we can't even imagine, but seeing her made my heart ache for her, and hearing about her struggles made me want to give her a hug (or at least a clean shower and some new clothes). Just try to imagine - living in the same six outfits, with the same group of people 24/7, in all third-world countries, none of which speak English, working your butt off - for 11 months. Ok, give up. You can't imagine it. But if you want to get a better idea, read her blog: http://bethanywaddell.theworldrace.org/. I have to say, it's way better than mine. lol Mostly because it's so absolutely fascinating. Almost every entry makes me either laugh or cry.
Recently, one of her temporary teammates went back home (former "World Racers" spend the first 3 months with the new batch, then leave once they've gotten the hang of things). Anyway, when her friend Becki arrived in the airport, her boyfriend met her there and proposed. The photo she posted to her blog showing their reunion made me cry. The love, joy and thankfulness on both their faces was so tangible. The shot should be on the cover of a magazine...it was beautiful. So beautiful that it made me cry. That, and the fact that Bethany and I both know what it feels like to watch all our friends get married one after another and wonder if perhaps there is something to "different" about us. (Though I agree with her statement in the blog that this feeling of inadequacy comes from all the social media that rubs all the good stuff in our faces but which often lacks the truth of people's lives).
So anyway, even though it made me cry and made me feel a little self-pitying, it also gave me hope. Hope that one day, I'll be the girl in that photo. That one day, someone will really see me for me. I know it will happen - it's all about God's timing. And right now, His timing is for me to go to Europe and have a fabulous time filled with new foods and friends and beautiful sights. To say I'm excited is an understatement.
Tonight I feel so grateful. So grateful for my family and my friends and the opportunities I've been given. Sometimes, we start to take these things for granted - but then talking to someone like Bethany and listening to all she's gone through and how foreign everything is and feels; how the only breakfast food in Thailand is pork flavored oatmeal - it makes you so thankful for what you have.
My new 102 year old friend - shopping at Stein Mart. |
Oh, and I also went shopping with a 102 year old lady today who I'm writing a story on. 102 and the woman goes shopping 2 days a week, standing the whole time. Today she bought a sparkly pair of low silver heels. I showed her a pair of more practical silver Sam & Libby flats, but she wanted the heels. I had to sit in awe of her energy and gumption. And I felt so thankful that I got to meet her - that my position allows me to meet amazing people like this. I've met so many amazing people during my time with the paper in the last year and half. Truly, I am ever so blessed.
The silver shoes she had to have! |
Now, in Europe, I'll get to meet a whole bunch more brand new people to learn even more about life and how to love the world. What a joy!
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