A really long game of Jenga with Nate. |
So I am feeling much, much better and my neck only hurts when I move it very specific ways now. I even did the "Michael Jackson Experience" for the Wii which is like Just Dance but only MJ songs - it was so much fun. But yeah, I babysat all weekend and had a good time with the little boy (Nate) - we played board games and did card tricks and played Wii. Taylor came over one night and was showing us magic tricks with a deck of cards that were absolutely astounding. I'm such a little kid when it comes to magic tricks - I seriously gape and demand to see it again and again, even though I never figure it out. lol Taylor also played some MJ Experience with Nate which was pretty cute - this 6'2" guy and this little kid dancing to MJ's "They Don't Care About Us."
Anyway, on Saturday Nate and I went to see "Big Miracle" about the whales that were trapped under the ice in Alaska in '88 and were rescued as a joint effort between Green Peace, the Eskimos, the government, the Coast Guard, the Soviets and the media. It was really inspiring and based on the true story.
Taylor and Nate playing the MJ dance game on the Wii. |
Today was the Super Bowl and I went to two parties in a row - bad idea for one's waistline - especially one who has not been allowed to exercise very much for the past week. Kherri, a friend from silk class, had the first party and she made the most amazing cookies - she really has a talent for cookie/cake decorating. Then her husband Craig made more meat than 100 people could consume in a week. But after all the appetizers, I could scarcely finish one burger. From there I went to my friend Zac's party where there was even more food and I already felt like I was going to explode. Of course I had to try a few things...mostly sweets. Can't wait to go to the gym tomorrow. I don't know if I'll be able to run yet, but some very fast-paced walking is in order!
Kherri and her amazing cookies. |
I was talking to Vanessa tonight and I think I may have convinced her to meet me in Europe for about 2 weeks of my month-long trip in May. I really hope she'll come! It'd be so fun to travel with her and she really needs the break. Talking about it has gotten me very excited about it again.
Lastly, I recently heard from Penn State and they said that they have not gotten any funding this year for their writing program and will therefore not be taking any new students. They will refund my application fee. So, essentially, that is 2 out of 13 schools down. (As you may recall, I also got a rejection from Univ. of Texas at Austin). So, here's to praying for at least one admission somewhere.
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