In a time of relatively crappy movies, I have to say, I've been rather impressed lately. On Friday I went to see True Grit with a work friend (because he said he refused to see Country Strong...yes, I am a girl, I can't help myself). Anyway, I really wasn't sure how I would feel about 1) a remake and 2) a western. Not typically my cup of tea. But wow. Hailee Steinfeld, who played the 14-year-old girl Mattie, was just ...perfect. The way she talked sounded a little strange to modern ears, but in place for a girl of both education and 'grit' at the time. Despite being so young, it becomes absolutely believable that she would trek along with these hardened officers of the law. It is not cliché or overly sappy. In fact, it is simply heart felt and actually rather surprising.

On a very different note, I saw Burlesque with a different (female) work friend on Sunday. It was the second time for me, as it was at the cheap theater, but the first for Jessy. I thought perhaps I had been somehow overly susceptible to the song-dance routines the first time I saw it, but no, I loved it just as much the second time. No, it's not an award winner, but it is delightful - especially for we wanna-be singers/dancers. Having never listened to her music before, I was completely taken aback by Christina Aguilera's voice, not to mention her beauty - since, let's face it, she usually looks rather trashy when you get a glimpse of her on TV. Cher performed a solo that was practically tear-evoking and probably one of the best solo songs I've ever heard by her. Not only were they both amazing singers (not that it's a surprise), but their acting was also touching.
I have been listening to the soundtrack and dancing around my room ever since. So, in my opinion, it was a good weekend of movies.
This weekend will be a weekend of dance. Friday I have a friend coming in town who used to be the Ballroom Club VP to my Ballroom Club P status at Carolina. He is looking fwd to dancing together again, so Friday we will go to a ballroom dance and Saturday to a salsa dance. I'm sooo excited as I haven't been out dancing officially since I got my job! I've just been tired I guess...
Anyway, we're also going to have a game night on Saturday with my friends and mother (b/c she can't resist a good board game). I'm quite looking forward to the weekend of plans and excitement. And now that my persistent cough has finally subsided some, hopefully I'll be rockin' and rollin' by tomorrow night.
Last night my Bible study ladies and I tried to have a pizza/game night. But when you get 13 girls in a room together - well, pizza happened, but games took a backseat to constant chatter. Next thing we knew, it'd been three hours and all we'd done was talk! But, it was a lot of fun.
And on a final entertainment note, I recently got Just Dance 2 for the Wii and it was seriously awesome. A workout and real dancing from the comfort of your own home - which means ratty sweats as opposed to flashy bling that is required for most dance outings - simply cannot be beat.
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