With Uncle Reid's three boys. |
I sometimes wonder if I'll ever have the time to keep a regular blog again. I look back at the last post date and realize it's been over 2 months - where did that time go?
The summer has flown by in its usual rush of parties, celebrations, and - sadly - memorials.
With my cousins from MD, the Steffeses. |
My Uncle Reid passed away this summer. He was only 68 and left three sons behind - the youngest of which was only 15 at the time. We had a memorial for him up in Jonas Ridge - the mountains that he loved - on July 19. We hoped for sunny weather, as we had about 50 attendees, but it unfortunately rained the entire day with a heavy, blinding mist surrounding the mountaintop.
That did not stop us from all piling into the house, eating, telling stories, and remembering Uncle Reid. While he was always a little different, he had a big heart and loved his family fiercely. He was particularly close to my mom, who was quite heartbroken over his sudden death. We spread his ashes on top of the mountain, standing under umbrellas and said our goodbyes. It was a very bitter-sweet weekend, as it was so nice to see so much family under the same roof, but not for that purpose.
Dancing with Logan at his wedding. |
On a happier note, my best friend Tiffany had her first baby this summer - Ellie Summer - and she is the most precious little thing! I'm so excited to be an 'aunt' and absolutely adore this baby!
Most of the Bailey Cousins |
Another happy event: my cousin Logan got married on June 28 in Blacksburg, VA. Matt and I had a great time at the wedding and were often the only people on the dance floor (go figure). It was nice seeing most of the Bailey side and after the wedding, Uncle John came back to Charlotte and ended up buying a house! We're so excited that he'll be here more often now (he will probably still spend some time in his Ft. Lauderdale home).
Logan and Emily |
Dancing with Matt |
The weekend after Logan's wedding was the fourth of July. Matt and I went to the new Romere Bearden Park in Uptown Charlotte to bring a picnic dinner and watch the fireworks. Some of my friends from silk aerial class joined us around 10 p.m. (after performing at the park earlier) and the fireworks went off at 11 p.m. As they were going, Matt proposed - knowing my love for fireworks. Of course, I said yes! We knew we were going to get married, but I didn't know when he'd actually pop the question, and I was quite surprised. My friends got some great photos of us with the fireworks in the background. The ring is absolutely beautiful and we're both so excited! Our wedding will be June 6 of next year at Dennis Vineyards in Albemarle. It is an absolutely beautiful venue and the family that runs it is wonderful.
Matt's parents were in town this past weekend and they booked the rehearsal dinner at the DoubleTree Inn in the Southpark area (which is where we will suggest out of town guests stay). We are very excited about that venue as well - it looks really nice.
Matt and me at Dennis Vineyards |
Two memorials for my professor are coming up at the end of this month and the beginning of next - one is at the university, and the other is a private one at his home. I plan to attend both. I'll also be visiting my friend Erika (one of my future bridesmaids) in Cary the weekend of Sept. 6, as she'll be in town from California.
Matt and I are going to Hilton Head Island for Labor Day weekend, and my next big trip will be going out to California Oct. 11-19 to visit Lieselotte, Erika, and my cousin Erin. I hope to rent a car and visit the Redwoods as well - my trip through that area last time was far too brief.
I'm sure there is plenty more to report, but I'll leave it at that for now. :)
Baby Ellie |