Thursday, April 10, 2014

March Madness

It has been an exceedingly long time since I updated this blog. Sometimes I wonder if it is even still worth it, but I suppose one day I’ll be glad to have this documentation to look back on and remember thing that I currently think I’ll never forget, but seeing the elders in my family, I’m sure I will.
Michael, Lauren, Matt, Aaron - St. Pete Pier

Matt and I had a wonderful vacation in Florida for my birthday – though it was more like a weekend exercise regimen than a vacation. Lol First we drove down to Hilton Head Island and stayed with my old friend Chrissy and her fiancé Eric.  We have been friends since we were about 3 or 4 years old, and while we’ve definitely had our differences and have very different personalities, it’s always good to get together.   She and Eric made Matt & me a wonderful quesadilla dinner and got us hooked on our new favorite show – New Girl.  

Beautiful tree in St. Pete
The next day, we had lunch on the Island with Linda (Chrissy’s mom), and then headed down to Orlando.  I wanted to spend some time on the beach, but it was drizzly and cold.  When we got to Orlando we went out to dinner with one of Matt’s good friends Aaron, and stayed with him that night.
The next day, the three of us drove down to St. Petersburg and hung out with my cousin Michael all day.  We walked all around downtown St. Pete and it was truly gorgeous weather.  In fact, we all got a little sunburnt. It was so great getting to spend the actual day of my birthday with flanked by three awesome men ;) 
Michael and me at the outdoor market in St. Pete

Matt and I at Raglan Road for dinner on my bday.
Aaron, Matt & I drove back to Orlando that evening and had my birthday dinner at Downtown Disney’s Raglan Road – an Irish restaurant with live Celtic dancing. We had great seats and the food was DELICIOUS. We had baby back ribs to start and I had a chicken pot pie for my main dish.  YUM!  

Celtic dancers at Raglan Road.
That night, as Matt & I walked across the street from Downtown Disney to our hotel (Wyndham Lake Buena Vista), my lower back really started to hurt.  I didn’t know why.  

The next morning, it felt okay, and we left to meet Michael and his girlfriend Amy at EPCOT. We all met up about 9:30 a.m. and were able to go on almost everything, and see most of the countries.  Matt and I both liked Amy a lot, so we’re hoping it works out for her and Michael.  For dinner that night, Matt and I ate in France and our waiter was from Paris and it was so authentic and delicious.  I had salmon and at the end, they brought out an ice-cream filled madeleine and sang Happy Birthday in French.  It was so much fun and really made me miss my time in France. 

The four of us met up after dinner for a little bit longer, then they went to watch the fireworks while Matt & I rode Test Track and then headed over to Magic Kingdom.  

By this point, my back was really hurting, but I pushed through the pain (and took Advil).  We rode quite a few things at Magic Kingdom which was really beautiful and not very crowded so late at night.  We were there from about 10:30 pm – 1 am.  I got to be in a ‘play’ with Belle from Beauty and the Beast as part of a new interactive experience called “Belle’s Enchanted Cottage” or something like that.  I got my photo with her and I was just like a 5 year old again.
Amy and Michael at Epcot

We saw the fireworks as we walked onto Thunder Mountain Railroad and we took a rest as we sat in the Carousel of Progress.  It was really the most perfect day.  However, a 16 hour day at Disney after walking around St. Pete the day before is apparently not good for my back when I’m more used to sitting in an office all day. My back was killing me that night.

The next morning, there was no denying that I’d done something to my lower back.  We slept in, but the rest still didn’t seem to make much difference.  First we went to Magic Kingdom and had lunch at the Beast’s Castle in the new Fantasyland.  We did a couple other rides thereafter, but it was so crazy and chaotic at MK during the day that we left and went to MGM.  After seeing the Muppets 3D movie, watching the Lights, Camera, Action Stunt Show and going on the Backlot Tour, I could barely walk.  Matt helped me limp my way over to the first aid area and they gave me an icepack and I laid down for a while.  We then got me a wheelchair and Matt pushed me around for another couple hours before we left.  We did get really good seats for Fantasmic (the show there) and on the Great Movie Ride. 

The next morning we began the long drive back to Charlotte, in which I laid the seat back and nodded off a good part of the time.  Overall, it was a really fun trip and I just loved being there – and Matt was SUCH a good sport and took such good care of me.  I look forward to going again next year.
in "France"

at MK
The weekend after Disney, Matt and I drove to Chapel Hill and stayed a night with my old roommate Krystle. We got some dinner in Chapel Hill and watched the new Veronica Mars movie and just caught up for a while.  

with Belle
On Saturday, I showed Matt all around Chapel Hill and then we went and met up with Professor Gless at his home.  His meylodisplastic syndrome has not been responding to any treatments, and they’ve decided his only option is a bone marrow transplant.  He did not want to do that, given all the risks, but they found him a perfect donor and he’s decided to go through with it – primarily because his wife, Frieda, is pregnant.  I’m so very excited for him.  He’s a lot older than Frieda, but she’s always wanted a baby and he’s never had one before, so he’d really like to be around to watch his little girl grow.  I pray that everything will work out and that the transplant will change his life for the better.  I know he’d be a great dad. 

Speaking of babies, I’m helping through Tiffany’s baby shower this weekend, and then I am attending two others within the next month.  I also just found out that two ladies in my lifegroup are also pregnant and are due in Sept and October.  Last year I went to five weddings – this year, it’ll be at least five baby showers! 

I’m so excited for all my friends and I can’t wait to spend time with these precious little ones. 
On a sad note, my Uncle Reid died this past weekend.  He had COMPD and diabetes and was on O2 for a while now, but no one expected such a quick passing.  His three children and trying to cope, but poor Adam is only 15 years old.  Reid’s oldest son, Reid III, will assume custody of Adam and have Brandon start working in his shop.  We all hope the new situation will work out.  It’s been very hard on Grandma & Grandpa, but they take comfort in the fact that he is no longer suffering.  Mom, who was probably the closest person to Uncle Reid, also took it quite hard.  Happily, Uncle Bob, Mom, Dad & I all talked on the phone with him the night before he died.  
in my wheelchair at MGM

So, those are the big highlights – and per usual, this is way too long for a blog.  Oh well.