Mom says I'm the busiest person she knows. I think so too. That's the problem with loving so many things and so many people - if you slow down, you miss out on loving something.
Michelle, Andrea, Jenni and me at the wedding in Knoxville. |
Lesley and Ben's wedding in Knoxville was really great. They were absolutely glowing, and despite being a daytime wedding, everyone danced and had a lot of fun. Most of us were all staying in the same hotel, so after the reception, we all walked to a brewery downtown and had a second dinner and just enjoyed each other's company. Then we stood on a Knoxville street corner playing "Heads Up" - an iPhone app that is like charades. Needless to say, we entertained the whole street.
Lesley and Ben - married! |
I officially started my new position the first week of August and so far, I am loving it! I no longer have to make recruitment phone calls - woohoo! And I have my hands in all sorts of interesting things in the marketing/communications areas of CBCC. I am writing our newsletters, blogs, and other social media posts. I'm writing many of our PRs, planning special events, getting local businesses to sponsor us, and various other things. I'm particularly excited that the CEO, Martin, gave approval for me to sign up for Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator classes through CPCC. With these design classes under my belt, I'll be able to do even more of the marketing stuff I am interested in, and eventually, relieve our current design people of at least part of what they do and therefore, part of what we're paying them.
friends at the wedding |
The first weekend of August I went to the mountains for the Bailey family reunion. All dad's brothers were there except for Uncle Ben, who had to work. David's kids (Michael, Brian, Logan and Mark) were there, as was Brett and his girlfriend Paige. Logan's fiance Emily also came. Ryan came up for Saturday and part of Sunday. It was quite the shindig! We had lots of big family meals, played card games, went hiking/sliding down waterfalls/swinging off rope swings, played charades, and various other family amusements. I LOVE family reunions, and I had such a wonderful weekend. It was particularly nice to see Grandma, as it feels like it's been quite a while.
Bailey Mountain Reunion. |
When I first got to Jonas Ridge that Thursday, I was the first one there and I just took an hour or so to enjoy nature. I sat quietly in the front yard and listened to the wind in the trees, and smelled the wild grass scent around me, and listened as the birds called back and forth to one another. It created in me such a bitter-sweet feeling. I remember sitting in that same spot on the grass year after year when I was younger. Spending leisurely hours daydreaming and staring at the clouds as they floated by. I remembered tromping through the woods playing war games with Brett and Brandon and Weston. Now, I was the only one. The trees I'd climbed as a kid were slowly dying, the view contained more houses and power lines, the gravel road had been paved over with asphalt. For the most part, I'm not real big on change. You know that old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?" That's how I feel about my mountain.
Brett and me. |
But, at the same time, I have to accept change. I'm changing. We all are. I'm not the same little girl who spent summers dreaming about what I'd be when I grew up - I'm that grown up woman, trying to fit in all the plans I've made for myself and coordinate all the dreams that have come true. Perhaps, sitting atop my mountain, that's what I missed most of all - that sense of childhood freedom. Of having the world at your fingertips, and believing it can go any direction you please, and waiting with eager anticipation for real life to start. But now that it's here, sometimes I miss the days when I didn't have a calendar or a job or a strict schedule. When I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself. Not a selfishness, exactly, but an ignorance. Blissful, childlike ignorance.
Most of the gang. |
This has been quite the tangent, so I will quit my digression and get back on track. I joined a pick-up Frisbee team in Charlotte on Tuesday nights. I love it and the sport comes naturally to me thanks to my Daddy's former Ultimate glory. In fact, after only the first two practices, I was asked if I wanted to join a league. I could not, as it is on Thursdays which is when I take ballet and silk aerial, but I really appreciated being asked. :) This past Tuesday, unfortunately, I intercepted a Frisbee with my face. I thought it broke my nose - I saw stars - but it didn't. Instead, I left me with a black eye. My first black eye ever! (I have to admit, I'm a little proud of it. Sometimes, you just have to get a little messy in life).
Ryan and Lauren |
Michael and Lauren at Lineville Falls. |
Last Friday Ryan hosted a dinner party (with a sunglasses and hat theme) at his house. We had quite the turnout - probably about 30 people all told. It was a fun time and Ryan enjoyed showing off his new place. Mom and I brought the bumper pool table from our garage over, and it was a big hit.
Bailey cousins. |
I also finally found a 4th and final roommate for the house. Her name is Caroline and she's from Philly. She moved in on Monday and I think we are going to get along splendidly. Last night, she came with me to watch Ryan play ice hockey. It was actually pretty exciting to watch, and totally amazing to me that someone could run and stop and haggle over a tiny puck and shoot and block ALL while on ice skates! Caroline said she enjoyed it too and would come with me again sometime.
Tonight, Ryan and I are meeting Tiffany and Mitch for dinner and then
going to a comedy show. Then tomorrow, I have a silk aerial show,
after which Ryan and I are going ice skating, then to a party for Ryan's
friend's son's 1st birthday.
It's really never ending, but I'm loving life.
my black eye |
This little baby at a recent cookout just loved me - I held him for 2 hours. lol (PS - he's wearing a diaper) |
Hat and Sunglasses party at Ryan's. |