At the Steeplechase horse race. |
Today was a day of both reminiscing and looking ahead. To start with, Mom, Dad and I went to a storage unit Maria had with all the condo furniture in it, I rented a U-Haul, and between that and Mom's van, we moved all the furniture (which Maria gave me) to Uncle Bob's garage where it will be stored until I move into an apartment. I hope to move into a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment in Aug or Sept with my friend Alissa who studied abroad with me the summer after Freshman year of college, and I ran into a couple years ago in Charlotte. She's a quiet, low-key, but very sweet girl and I think we will get along really well. Now that I have furniture for the place, I'm really getting excited about looking. I want to live in the Montford area, which is where a lot of people my age are living. It's close to a lot of restaurants, shopping, movie theater, bowling ally as well as very close to my work. It's about 10 min from uptown and 7 min from Grandma and Grandpa's house & my church. So here's to the future!
With friends at the race (see the rogue horse behind us). |
But, it was also a day of the past. I got back to Kherri and Craig's house around 5 pm, and they are at a music festival all day, so it's quiet here. Just the dogs and me. And it's been raining and cold all day (clearly Charlotte has forgotten what month we are in), which always makes me miss people. Funny how that works. I had a nice long catchup with Lieselotte first. She met someone a couple months ago and is so happy, and I love talking to her just hearing the joy in her voice. I really hope this guy is "the one" because she deserves to have someone as great as she is in her life. She really is such a wonderful friend. She calls me nearly every week, and in most friendships, I'm the one who always has to make the effort. It really warms my heart. I can't wait until June when she comes to visit.
Life group dinner at 1900 Mexican Grill. |
Next I talked to my roommate from senior year of college, Krystal. We don't get to talk often as we are both so busy, but today we had a nice long chat, and I'm very excited because I'm going to see her on Friday when I drive up to Chapel Hill. I'll drive up in the afternoon, see my old professors and then stay with Krystle that night before going to Raleigh to spend Saturday and Sunday morning with Erika (in town from LA) and her family. Her brother Aaron will be graduating from nursing school on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to supporting him at that. I really love her family - it will be great hanging out with them. When I leave on Sunday, I'll have to drive straight to Lake Norman where Tiffany's bridal shower will be held at her mom's house. I'm planning the games, so I'll have to have those prepared beforehand.
The following weekend is Tiff's bachelorette party in the mountains, and the next weekend is her wedding! While I'm looking forward to all these things, it'll be nice to be able to breathe a little come June.
Me, Adam and Kenika at work. |
The past two weekends I've done Kentucky Derby style things. Steeplechase was first - a big horse race down in Waxhaw. That was fun. We had a tailgate party inside the giant track and watched the race from the middle on a big hill. All the ladies wore big hats and dresses, and most of the guys donned their seersucker and polo shirts. We had a big picnic and ate way too much. It was delightful. lol There was also a horse in the first race that threw its rider and went flying around the track about eight times before they could stop it. It ended up in the back of one of our photos which was pretty funny.
Yesterday I went to a Kentucky Derby part at the Mint Museum where they had croquet and food and showed the race live on a big screen. I went with Alissa and some of her friends, and it was fun, but it was cold and dreary.
Friday at work, two of my colleagues, Adam and Kenika, and I all wore our green pants to work for an unofficial "green pants day." haha On Friday night, my friends and I had our First Friday Night Dinner party at my friend Jenna's house. It was very successful with about 20 people coming. We had a bonfire and my sopapilla cheesecake was a hit, per usual. :)
First Friday Night Dinner at Jenna's. |
At work, I started my new job doing social media and I like it a lot so far. I didn't get a raise, but I'm hoping I'll get a decent one in the new fiscal year (October). They are, however, going to get me an iPhone, but since it'll be through work, I don't think I can get my phone number transferred to it. However, it'll be convenient to have, even if I do have to keep carrying my old phone.