Happy 2013! It is
here – guess the Mayans were officially wrong.

Then they put me in this comfy reclining chair and put a
blanket on me because I was so cold. Jeff
laughed and said that didn’t surprise him, because I’m “always cold.” I told him it’s only when I’m somewhere that
keeps the temperature at 65 degrees
(like where you give blood and Jeff’s house!).
Anyway, they got a look at my veins and said I had “great veins” –
probably because I drink so much water – and the woman who stuck me was very
good. However, it was a little weird feeling at first and I got kind of scared
and started feeling all hot and flushed, and my hands got tingly, so they
elevated my chair so my feet were up and put an ice pack on my neck. I calmed down after a couple minutes and all
was good. I filled the bag (one pint) in
about five minutes. It was all pretty
easy, and I think I’ll be less worried next time.
I also didn’t feel lightheaded afterward, even though I’m
only 2 lbs over the weight limit. Jeff was proud of me and we sat and ate
snacks at the recovery table talking about it.
I got off early that day and Jeff came with me to SouthPark
Mall where I had to do some Christmas shopping and returns. He was a great companion to have, because my
bags started getting heavy and I couldn’t hold them with my left hand (cause I
hurt my arm), so Jeff carried all my bags.
I, in turn, helped him pick out some gifts for his sisters.
Tim and I were supposed to see the Hobbit that night, but he
got very sick and couldn’t make it.

Mom and Dad framed my diploma for me, which was nice since I
have no graduation pictures, no gown and no ring. Lol However, the frame they
got didn’t fit the two mats they bought, so they’re going to have to re-do
it. They also got me a memory foam
mattress topper, some tights/socks, a book I really wanted (and just finished)
and a few other odds and ends. I got them a Words with Friends Board Game and
pictures of Brett and me (I got him to come over and do a photo shoot with me
one day using my tripod). Mom was so
excited about the pictures, she could scarcely contain herself. She’s been wanting photos of us together
where Brett is smiling and has his eyes open for ages.
That afternoon we went to the Cypress to have lunch with
Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Bob and Cheryl. The food was delicious, but too
much! It was very nice going back to the
Grandma and Grandpa’s place and not having to wash dishes though. Once back there, we opened more gifts and
just enjoyed each other’s company for most of the day.

A few hours after I got home that evening, I started
coughing. By the next day, I was really
feeling sick, but I had to go back to Hickory to do a blood drive inside the
mall this time. I was supposed to leave
there at 4:30, but by 3:30, my developer sent me home as I had a fever and
could barely stay on my feet.

That night, Erika and I went to dinner with Kathy (my life
group leader), her sister-in-law Jackie and Christina (one of the girls in my
life group). Erika used to be in the
group, so she was happy to see them. I was feeling poorly, but I drank a ton of
water which I think brought my fever down. Afterward we came back to my place
and talked for a couple hours.
On Saturday morning, the AAA people called me and gave me
some bad news – my catalytic converter had gone bad, and since they have
platinum on them, they are very expensive. I also needed several fluid flushes
and a new serpentine belt. Total estimate was $1600. Oh joy. I called Dad and had him call the AAA place
and discuss it with them, then he called Honda to get their estimate – which was
$2,000 for JUST the catalytic converter. So, we figured AAA was the way to go.
But it wasn’t going to be ready until Monday, so after that, Erika and I just
used the van.
In the afternoon we met Christina for lunch at a Mediterranean
place, then saw Les Miserables. I’d seen
the musical live three times, but it never made me cry like the movie did. Good grief.
Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crow and Eddie Redmayne were
From there, we went to church and then came back to my place
for a relaxing final evening before Erika flew back to L.A.
I was really sick on Sunday and did nothing all day
long. Monday, I called in sick to
work. By the afternoon I was feeling
somewhat better, and my friend Taylor helped me move the sofa he’d been
borrowing into my office and pick up my car from AAA. Mom and Dad came over later to hang pictures
for me. Lieselotte was supposed to come
in that day and go to a NYE party with me, but she couldn’t end up making
it. I took a nap after Mom and Dad left
and tried to rally for my party which I was determined to go to. I took some cold medicine and by gosh, I
went! I’ve gone the last two or three
years, so I wasn’t about to mar my good attendance streak.
I ended up having a really nice time and it was good to see all
my friends. I danced (but not too aggressively)
until the cement floor and high heels made my knees hurt, then I left about
1:30 a.m. I was glad I’d gone. I rested the whole next day and today I’m
back at work. I feel pretty good – my eyeballs
sort of hurt when I move them too fast, and my cough is still lingering, but
overall, much better.