With my friend Jamie at Second String Santa - annual X-mas Party. |
The term "time flies" has never had such meaning as it does now. Working full-time and trying to maintain my social, spiritual, physical and emotional health is like juggling flaming torches while walking a tight rope over the Grand Canyon. I can't help but think, how in the world do women with kids do it?? Good grief.
On the plus side, my body is adapting to less sleep, so I'm getting by with between 7 and 8 hours a night, instead of my previous 9. My feet are also adapting to standing for long intervals and all the standing is helping keep the weight off even though I don't have time to work out every day anymore.
With friends at Second String Santa |
My typical day is this: drive anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to get to a blood drive or a high school pre-recruitment. Then I spend the next several hours either saying "Would you like to donate blood today? You can help save three lives?" then answering any questions of those who actually stop to acknowledge me; OR, "Any of you still need to sign up for the blood drive next week? You get out of class, get a t-shirt and free Subway!" Needless to say, the students are much more eager to give.
Dinner at my new place with friends for the first weekend of Dec. |
Today was quite interesting. I was at CMC hosptial in Concord today and originally the developer, Adam, (he booked the drive) was supposed to be there with me the whole time. But he had a drive that was going badly so shortly after my arrival, he left. I was standing with a table full of CBCC (Community Blood Center of the Carolinas) goodies, and catching people as they entered and exited the cafeteria to remind them about the blood drive which was taking place downstairs. Then, some CMC worker bee rolls a popcorn cart up next to me and says "Here's your popcorn machine." I was like, "Umm, my popcorn machine?" She said, "Yes, didn't Adam tell you? We give out popcorn to get people over here. Where is he?" I informed her that he'd left me there alone and she looked disturbed and proceeded to show me how to work the contraption. I then spent the next 3 hours trying to slice open the bags of popcorn seed/buttery good with a box knife (and not get sliced myself), feeding it into the burning hot metal cooker (without getting burned), pop open the flattened popcorn boxes and fill them with the buttery mess without getting dirty. Not to mention hand them out, tell people about the blood drive, and try to keep random passers-by from stealing all the pens, notepads, water bottles and so forth that were supposed to be for people after they donated. It was NOT a one-woman job.
Over 40 friends went caroling at an old-folks home. |
However, I got pretty good at it, and after a while, the woman who'd brought me the cart came back and said, "Wow, you're doing really great!" Sheesh. Who thought I'd be getting movie concessions training at my job??
At the entrance of McAddenville |
This month has been a difficult one for my blood drives. During this month where we celebrate the greatest gift of all, many people are incredibly self-centered and utterly unconcerned for those in need. No drive has been as terrible as the one I had last night at the YMCA in Ballantyne. In an area that is flooded with wealth and stay-at-home moms, these people could not take 30 minutes from their schedule to save lives. Their days are strategically planned out - nails, hair, gym, dry-cleaners, Christmas shopping - there simply isn't time! But if we had a gala in which they needed to donate $200 a piece, I bet we'd have a swarm. *sighs* So, I may not get my bonus for meeting my quota this month, but I'm trying to pull out all the stops and get my friends out en masse. And, I believe I will donate for the first time Thursday when my friend Jeff comes to donate as well. I can donate at the center while on the clock, so I figure it's about time I suck it up and do it. Here's to praying I don't pass out or something.
with my friend Lesley in McAddenville |
It doesn't seem real that Christmas is 6 days away. I've never not had a Christmas break before. This year, I'll only have off Christmas day and New Years Day. However, I do have some happy visits coming. The day after Christmas (when my family goes down to Tallahassee to see Grandma Bailey), my friend Erika from LA will be coming in town and staying with me until the 30th. Then Lieselotte (who will be in Raleigh for a couple weeks over her Christmas break), will come on the 31st and we will attend a NYE party together and spend New Years Day together. I have such lovely friends - whatever would I do without them?
I also have funny stories from last weeks blood drives. 1) While at Chase High School in Forest City, NC (in the middle of nowhere), a high-schooler asked if he could take me to lunch. He then proceeded to tell me I didn't look a day over 21. I said, "Even if I was 21, I'd still be far too old for you." It was quite amusing though. 2) I was working a blood drive sponsored by The Meat House in Ballantyne. While standing in front of the store and directing people to the blood mobile, an employee kept coming out to cook meat on a grill. Finally, he asked if I was waiting for someone. I told him no, I was telling people about the blood drive. It was a rather slow day, so whenever he came out, we chatted about various things - mostly about what I did for my job. At the end, I went inside the store to buy a sandwich for lunch. The manager said it was on the house and then said, "Tim, come help this lady with her order!" But Tim must have been outside again, because a different guy helped me instead. Then the manager said, "Hey, write Tim's number on there in case she has any questions." That is when I realized that Tim must have said something about me inside the store and all the employees were in on this. Finally, while my sandwich was being made, Tim came out and gave me a "tour" of the store. Finally he said, "What are you doing tonight? Do you want to get a glass of wine or something?" I was totally flustered and said, "Umm, I have a family dinner tonight." He said, "Well, I really came out here to give you this (and handed me his name and number on a sheet of paper). Give me a call sometime if you want to hang out."
Josh, Renee, Bethany, me and Bill at a Christmas party |
I was a little shell-shocked because of his audacity - most guys my age are such chickens it's unbelievable. Anyhow, I texted him later and said I could probably get together after dinner. We met up at Fox and Hound that evening and I found out he is also 25. We had a lot to talk about - he's been to most of the countries I've been to, loves nature and travel, reading and good movies. Two hours later, the time had flown and I said, "Oh it's late! I have to get to bed." He walked me to my car and asked if I wanted to go see the Hobbit with him on Thursday. I said yes. So, let's hope I don't react to giving blood too poorly that day. lol
with friends at Tyber Creek Christmas party |
I've also been attending nonstop parties. It's been a lot of fun, but rather exhausting - and not good for my waistline! This past weekend my dearest Bethany who just returned from the World Race came with me to a Christmas party. It was the first time I'd seen her since her return, and oh how happy I was to have her back! It was like no time had passed, yet she seemed somewhat different - older, wiser. I suppose that happens when you go to 11 third-world countries in a year. Another party I attended was a Christmas tea party for my life group. We all dressed up in antique hats and gloves given to Whitney by her grandmother, and spoke in British accents all night. I kept mine up pretty much the entire 2.5 hours. It was so much fun! I wish I could get away with that on a daily basis! :)
with some of my life group ladies at the tea party |
I also went with a bunch of friends to McAddenville - which is a little town outside of Charlotte requiring each house to decorate for Christmas. We parked at a nearby gas station and walked through the town to avoid the crazy traffic. It was fun, but not quite as magical as Disney at Christmas (which I much need to see again - it's been since I was a child that I saw Disney at Christmas, but I do remember it being one of the most magical sights ever).
I also went to a huge Christmas party with over 600 people called Second String Santa where you bring a gift and $20 to be donated to the Salvation Army to help with children's Christmas presents. A large group of about 40 people mostly from my church organized a caroling event at a nursing home where we entertained the residents for nearly an hour with a variety of Christmas carols.
trying to help "Lady Katie" with her corset |
There seems to be so very much to tell - but I will stop now. Must get to bed! However, I will try to be better about updating this more regularly so it's not a novel each and every time.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!